Couldn’t escape The Great Escape

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I’ve started 2018 with a commitment to see ate least the top 100 movies of the list of the top 250 rated movies on  IMDB and one of them was The Great Escape, a great movie from 1963.

With a nice touch of humor of the POW trying to escape in every mean possible from the camp, and knowing that their attempts are not something new to the Nazis anymore, I got inside the movie and stuck there when the parishioners started discussing the plan for the tunnel. As impossible as it was to dig such a long tunnel, still I kept my hopes with my friends in prison.

Of course, there are quite a few drawbacks that are such only because of the technology of the time and the skills of the actors, which can’t be compared to what training the actors undergo in modern days. And taking in account all the disadvantages they had in those days, and adding up to this that the movie is still has quite a good rating on both IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, I’d say that it remains quite a masterpiece of the ’60s. Great story line, everything flowing smoothly, and the scenes are set in a such a way that the viewer will necessarily feel sympathy for each prisoner, from the death in the barbed wire, to the death on mass shootings to the death on the top of the hill.